IMMIGRATION LAW

This pole is directed by Marie-Laure Basilien-Gainche, Professeur à l'Université Jean Moulin (Lyon III) and Serge Slama, Maître de conférences à l'Université Paris Ouest Nanterre la Défense


The Immigration Law pole aims at examining European law that is applicable to third countries nationals. Its members are engaged in a critical analysis of the immigration and asylum policies of the European Union and its Member States. As they think that EU Immigration and Asylum Law has to be seen as a masterpiece of a multilateral peaceful new order, they are involved in making some propositions and recommendations, insofar that the human and democratic values the EU is built on are respected and promoted in the way the EU deals with these matters. That in such a perspective that the Immigration Law pole, in accordance with the Discrimination and Fundamental Rights pole, sent to the European Ombudsman observations concerning the own-initiative inquiry into the implementation by Frontex of its fundamental rights obligations (OI/5/2012/BEH-MHZ).

Professor in public law at the University Jean Moulin Lyon 3, Marie-Laure Basilien-Gainche is membre of the Centre de Droit Constitutionnel (CDC) of this University and membre of the Centre de recherche et d’études sur les droits fondamentaux (CREDOF) of the University Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense. The researches she carries out deal with constitutional law and European law, focusing on evaluating the legitimacy of the political systems of the European Union and its Member States. Theses analyses are based on the reference to the Rule of law, the considered questions being both formal and substantial. The former lead to study the separation of powers, more precisely the ways the EU norms are elaborated. The latter questions concern the guarantee of fundamental rights. In order to the legitimacy of the political systems, her works are focused on the analysis of the exceptions: the situations of serious crises which allow the concentration of powers and the restriction of rights, and the areas of juridical confinement which can conduce to power abuses and rights infringements.

 As member of the Institut Universitaire de France, Marie-Laure Basilien-Gainche is pursuing a research project on “The finis and the limes - Thoughts about a constitutionalised EU from the asylum and immigration policy view”: the purpose is to highlight the dialectical tensions that exist between the substantial (political) components and the formal (geographical) elements of the European identity, thanks to a critical approach of the immigration and asylum policy of the EU and its Member States. Furthermore, she assumes among others responsibilities the direction with Serge Slama of the working group “Immigration Law” of the European network of legal experts Trans Europe Experts, and the coordination of the analisis of decisions adopted by the Court of Justice of the European Union for the Revue des droits de l’homme. Marie-Laure Basilien-Gainche is involved in different academics association, such as the immigration network du Council for European Studies of Columbia University, or the European University network on the Area of Freedom, of Security and Justice.

Her last publications on immigration and asylum issues are the following: “Sécurité des frontières, protection des droits : un couple impossible aux portes de l’Union ?”, Cités, numéro 46 Immigration : mythes et réalités, 2011, pp. 45-66 ; “La politique européenne d'immigration et d'asile en question : la valeur de solidarité soumise à l'argument de réalité”, in Chahira Boutayeb (dir.), La solidarité dans l’Union européenne - Eléments constitutionnels et matériels, Dalloz, 2011, pp. 248-260 ; “The EU immigration and asylum policy in the post-Lisbon institutional context”, in Luca Rubini and David Robertson (ed.), The Treaty of Lisbon and the Future of European Law, London, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2012, pp. 355-378. All her activities are described on her personal web page https://sites.google.com/site/marielaurebasiliengainche/home.


Serge Slama is an Associate Professor in public law at Evry-Val d'Essonne University, and member of the Centre de recherche et d'études sur les droits fondamentaux (CREDOF) at the University Paris Ouest Nanterre La défense – Paris X. He has developed a specialization on fundamental rights case law, particularly third country nationals’ affairs, so much so he is considered as a reference in immigration and asylum law in France. Henceforward, as member of different associations, Serge Slama participates to the preparation of numerous cases and amici curiae introduced in front of supreme courts either at the national level (Conseil d’Etat, Cour de cassation, Conseil constitutionnel) or at the European level (Court of Justice of the European Union, European Court of Human Rights).

Among his numerous publications, the following ones can be mentionned: “L’assistance des étrangers retenus : une tentative de déplacement de la frontière de l’accès effectif aux droits » ”, in Olivier Lecucq, La rétention administrative des étrangers. Entre efficacité et protection, L’Harmattan, coll. Bibliothèques de droit, 2011, pp.184-215 ; “Les nouvelles frontières des droits sociaux des étrangers non européens”, in Diane Roman, Les titulaires des droits sociaux, Gualino/ Lextenso, à paraître en 2012. 

Ses activités sont décrites sur sa page personnelle sur le site du CREDOF : http://credof.u-paris10.fr/?page_id=190.

He animates the blog Combats pour les droits de l'homme, which proposes a presentation of the juridical and judicial news on the fundamental rights protection in France and in Europe (http://combatsdroitshomme.blog.lemonde.fr/).


Marie-Laure Basilien-Gainche and Serge Slama are used to working together on immigration and asylum matters. For instance, they both intervened during the workshop the Center for Migration Law of the Radboud University of Nijmegen in februray 2011 on the implementation of the Directive 2008/115/CE in France (“Report on the implementation of the Directive 2008/115/CE in France”, in Karin Zwaan (ed.), The Returns Directive: Central Themes, Problem Issues, and Implementation in Selected Member States, Centre for migration law, Radboud University of Nijmegen, 2011, pp. 115-127).

More recently, they were invited by Loic Azoulai to take part to the workshop the Centre for Judicial Cooperation of the European University Institute organized on "Irregular migration in Europe. Legal and judicial problems raised y the implementation of the Return Directive". They presented a communication on "The judicial cacophony and disharmony in the French reception of the Return Directive" that will soon be published as a EUI working paper.




                                                DERECHO DE EXTRANJERÍA

Directores: Marie-Laure Basilien-Gainche, profesora de la Universidad Jean Moulin (Lyon III) y Serge Slama, profesor asociado de la Universidad Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense.

El grupo de trabajo  “Derecho de Extranjería” concentra su atención en las categorías de nacionales de terceros países en la Unión Europea y sus Estados miembros. Constituye un foro para la reflexión crítica sobre la política de la UE en los ámbitos del control de la inmigración y el asilo. Se trata, a partir de lo ya existente, de prever un Derecho comunitario para los extranjeros que corresponda a los valores humanos y democráticos que la propia Unión reivindica.

El Derecho de extranjería es una de las piezas claves de la construcción comunitaria que hará -o no- de la UE el artífice de un orden mundial pacífico. En esta perspectiva, el Grupo de Derecho de Extranjería de TEE, junto con el Grupo de Discriminaciones y Derechos Fundamentales, respondió a la consulta lanzada por el Defensor del Pueblo Europeo como parte de la investigación de oficio sobre el cumplimiento por parte de Frontex de sus obligaciones en materia de derechos fundamentales (OI/5/2012/BEH-MHZ).



BASILIEN-GAINCHE Marie-Laure, Maître de Conférences, Institut d'études européennes, Université Paris 3

BOILLET Véronique, Professeure associée, Université de Lausanne

BOVA Olivier, Avocat au Barreau de Luxembourg

CAVANIOL Aude, Doctorante, Université Tours

CHEKROUN David, Professeur assistant, ESCP Europe

CLEMENT-WILZ Laure, Professeur, Université Limoges

CONDE Lycette, Maître de conférences, Université Toulouse

CORNELOUP Sabine, Professeur, Université Dijon

DACARONIA Eugénia, Associate Professor

FARGE Michel, Professeur, Université Grenoble-Alpes

FURNON Charlotte, Juriste Junior, Université de Sceaux

GAUTIER MELLERAY Marie, Professeur, Université Bordeaux IV

GAYET Anne-Claire, Juriste

JOUBERT Natalie, Professeur, Université de Bourgogne

LAMASSOURE Alain, Député européen

MATRINGE Jean, Professeur, Université Versailles-St-Quentin

PARROT Karine, Professeur, Université Valenciennes

PATAUT Etienne, Professeur, Université Paris I

POIDEVIN Estelle, Analyste politique - Commission Européenne, Responsable Europe Think Tank de la LICRA

ROBIN-OLIVIER, Sophie, Professeur, Université Paris X

ROCCATI Marjolaine, Maître de conférences, Université Nanterre

SITOUOK-FOTSO Emmanuel-Guy, Doctorant Université Paris 13

SLAMA Serge, Maître de conférences, Université Evry

WAHEED Karl, Cabinet d'avocats           

                                                     Centre for migration law
                                                Radboud University Nijmegen

                     Directive on common standards and procedures in Member States
                                 for returning illegally staying third-country nationals
                                            2008/115/CE of December 16, 2008

Please find below the report on the implementation of Directive 2008/115/CE in France by Marie-Laure BASILIEN-GAINCHE & Serge SLAMA.