March 2018, Sabine Corneloup and Fabienne Jault-Seseke, co-director of the Private International Law Pole responded to a call for tender from the European Parliament on collective redress in Europe. TEE’s call for tender was successful. The study, "
Collective redress in the Member States of the European Union", is to be submitted in September 2018. Questionnaires were sent out to 12 experts of 12 Member States, a trip to Brussels was organised to present the provisional plan and another trip to Brussels is expected to present the completed study to the European Parliament.
February 2018, the
Private International Law Pole, under the direction of Sabine Corneloup and Fabienne Jault-Seseke, responded to a call for tender on
The Hague Conference on Private International Law “Judgements Convention”. However, TEE was not successful in its response.
December 2017, Florence Deboissy, director of the
Tax and Accounting Pole, as well as Alexandre Maumonier and David Legroux, members of
the Institut de recherche en droit des affaires et du patrimoine of the Université Bordeaux responded to a Public Consultation launched by the European Commission to find a method to
taxing digital economy in an equitable and efficient way. The subject was dealt with by Florence Deboissy and Alexandre Laumonier at the annual Trans Europe Experts 2018 forum.
October 2017, Juliette Sénéchal, director of the
Contract, Consumer and E-Commerce Law Pole and Célia Zolynski, co-director of the
Intellectual Property and Digital Law Pole, responded to the Public Consultation launched by the European Commission on “
the targeted revision of EU consumer law directives”.
In August 2017, TEE members responded to a Public Consultation from the European Commission concerning the European citizens' initiative.
Participants :
Laure Clément-Wilz
Bénédicte Fauvarque-Cosson
Stéphane de La Rosa
Below is a link to a synthesis of the response submitted (in French).
In the context of a framework contract for the provision of expertise, concluded with the EU Parliament in 2015, the Private International Law Pole at TEE won two call for tenders in Spring 2017 for the writing up of two studies concerning Private International Law interactions with Immigration Lax. The result of these studies were presented to the Committee on Legal Affairs at the EU Parliament on the 20 June 2017 in the context of a Workshop on 'Challenges and potential of private international law in the current migratory context’.
The first study:
Private international law in a context of increasing international mobility: challenges and potential (IP/C/JURI/FWC/2015-002/LOT 1/C5/SC2)
While Private International Law governs private relations between persons coming from or living in different States, migration law regulates the flow of people between States. The demarcation between these two areas of law seems clear, but in practice it is not. Rights related to migration are often linked to private relations (marriage, parentage) or personal status (age). The EU should have a coherent approach in these areas, both internally and in relations with third States. Authorities active in the different areas must coordinate their work.
The second study:
Children on the Move: A Private International Law Perspective (IP/C/JURI/FWC/2015-002/LOT 1/C5/SC1)
The child’s best interests are a primary consideration under international and EU law. EU migration and private international law frameworks regulate child protection, but in an uncoordinated way: the Dublin III and Brussels IIa Regulations are neither aligned nor applied coherently. This should change. In particular, the rules and mechanisms of Brussels IIa should be used to enhance the protection of migrant children. These include rules on jurisdiction to take protective measures, on applicable law, and on recognition and enforcement of protective measures, and mechanisms for cross-border cooperation between authorities.
Below are the links to the full studies:
Lien vers la vidéo du workshop :
On the 14 June 2016, the Insolvency Law Pole responded to a Public Consultation entitled "un cadre efficace en matière d'insolvabilité dans l'Union européenne". This was lead by the Pole director, Laura Sautonie-Laguionie.
Below is a link to the response submitted by TEE (in French).
On the 30 December 2015, the Intellectual Property and Digital Law Pole responded to a Public Consultation on “l'environnement réglementaire concernant les plateformes, les intermédiaires en ligne, les données et l'informatique en nuage ainsi que l'économie collaborative”.
Below is a short synthesis of the response lead by Nathalie Martial-Braz et Célia Zolynski (in French).
On the 30 April 2015, the Contract, Consumer and E-commerce Law Pole responded to a Public Consultation on the "projet d'ordonnance portant réforme du droit des contrats, du régime général et de la preuve des obligations".
Coordination : Natacha Sauphanor-Brouillaud et Martine Béhar-Touchais
Carole Aubert de Vincelles
Martine Béhar-Touchais
Muriel Chagny
Céline Delacroix
Bénédicte Fauvarque-Cosson
Anne-Marie Reita-Tran
Judith Rochfeld
Natacha Sauphanor-Brouillaud
Michel Séjean
Below is a link to the response (in French)
The Fundamental Rights and Family Law Pole responded to a Public Consultation launched by the European Commission on the 3 July 2014. The topic related to child protection in the EU.
“Orientation de l'UE sur des systèmes intégrés de protection des enfants”.
Below is the response in French.
Intellectual Property Pole responded on the
5 March 2014 to the Public Consultation of the EU Commission on the “
review of the EU copyright rules”. Below is the link to the final contribution by TEE.
On the
3 February 2014,
Philippe Herzog participated in a debate organised by Trans Europe Experts to discuss his new publication “
Below is a link to the transcript of
Philippe Herzog’s intervention (in French).
On the 29 January 2014, the working group CPC (Cooperation for the protection of consumers), lead by Natacha Sauphanor-Brouillaud responded to a Public Consultation on the “Révision du règlement (CE) n° 2006/2004 relatif à la coopération en matière de protection des consommateurs”.
Coordination : Natacha Sauphanor-Brouillaud
Martine Béhar-Touchais
Sabine Bernheim-Desvaux
Jean-Marc Granier
Caroline Trignan
“Révision du règlement (CE) n° 2006/2004 relatif à la coopération en matière de protection des consommateurs”
Below is a link to the response submitted (in French).
October 2013, the
Insolvency Pole responded to a consultation on a “new approach to business insolvency in Europe”.
Coordination: Laura Sautonie Laguionie
Participants: Stéphane Bénilsi
Giuilio Cesare Giorgini
Véronique Legrand
Cécile Lisanti
Camille Maréchal
September 10th 2013, Trans Europ Experts answered to a consultation launched by the European Commission concerning
Waste management.
The study was led by
Anne Dircks-Dilly,
Laurence Lanoy,
Béatrice Parance and
Yvan Razafindratandra, under the direction of
François-Guy Trébulle.
The result of their work is accessible through the link below.
On the 27 November 2013, a symposium entitled “
The proposal for a Common European Sales Law : taking stock after a year” took place in Brussels.
The study lead by Martine Béhar-Touchais entitled “
Le fonctionnement du Droit Commun Européen de la Vente dans le cadre du Règlement Rome I”
can be found translated into English below (
The functioning of the CESL within the framework of the Rome I Regulation).
Laura Sautonie-Laguionie and
Jean-Luc Vallens coordinated TEE’s response to the Public Consultation launched by the European Commission entitled:
Consultation sur l'avenir de la législation européenne en matière d'insolvabilité.
The response can be found by clicking on the link below (text in French).
On the
28 September 2012, the
Immigration Law and
Fundamental Rights Poles responded to a Public Consultation launched by the European Ombudsman concerning its :
Enquête d’initiative sur la mise en pratique par Frontex de ses obligations relatives aux droits fondamentaux.
Marie-Laure Basilien took charge of the submission of this response (in French below).
On the
11 September 2012, the
Contract, Consumer and E-commerce Law Pole, lead by Martine Béhar-Touchais, and the
Intellectual Property Pole, lead by Célia Zolynksi, responded to a Public Consultation launched by the European Commission entitled:
A clean and open Internet : Public consultation on procedures for notifying and acting on illegal content hosted by online intermediaries.